Shri Ravindra Kumar, Director (Operations) along with Shri Subhra Kumar Ghosh, ED (OS) visited to NTPC Mouda for a comprehensive quarterly performance and Station Review. The review, encompassing the performance of both Q3 and Q4, was conducted with the commitment to operational excellence.
The review session focused on issues and challenges faced by the Mouda plant. Shri Ravindra Kumar, Director (Operations) offered valuable insights and guidance to enhance the overall efficiency of the Mouda Super Thermal Power Station. Apart from conducting performance review meetings, Director (Operations) also reviewed recent Safety Incidents at Mouda.
During the visit, Director (Operations) visited CHP Control Room, Stage 1 and Stage 2 Control Rooms. Following the visits, the Station Review was conducted followed by interaction meetings with Integrated Desk Engineers, Unions and Associations and Young Executives.
As a part of operational review, the actual operation of Fire Protection System of Conveyor 3B was checked on sample basis by bursting QBD.
The visit marked the esteemed presence of Shri K.M.K Prusty, Head of Project, NTPC Mouda, Shri Subhashish Guha, GM (O&M), Shri Harekrushna Jena, GM (Maintenance), Shri Pradeep B. Paranjape, GM (Project), Shri Vanjari Adisesha Surendra, AGM (OS), CC-EOC. RED WR1 &SR and GM (Safety) were also participated in the review meeting through teams.
The Ghazal Sandhya was also organized to grace the auspicious presence of Director (Operations).